Contract Details


Contract Name IRS DAIS
Role Subcontractor
Point of Contact

Business Development Team

More Information

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Office of Research, Applied Analytics and Statistics (RAAS) leads a data-driven culture through innovative and strategic research, analytics, statistics, and technology services to support effective and efficient tax administration in partnership with internal and external stakeholders. RAAS focuses on solving IRS complex business issues, seeks to transform and continuously improve processes, and conducts cutting‐edge research to improve tax administration and IRS operations.

Under the DAIS BPA, RAAS seeks opportunities to enhance data models and analysis needed to support business processes and fill any potential gaps to make better business decisions. Supporting these efforts involve identifying and defining new business processes to guide the development of IT solutions and improving upon existing business processes (i.e., mapping, benchmarking and analyzing business processes, evaluating performance of redesigned business processes and IT systems, etc.); developing and testing hypotheses that define short and long-term security, user experience, capability, tax compliance and service support strategies by working closely with IRS thought leaders and key executives to enhance key processes; and providing rapid responses to emerging issues in all areas of the IRS, including, but not limited to, Taxpayer Behaviors, Identity Theft, Refund Fraud and Revenue Protection, Filing and Payment Compliance, Reporting Compliance, and Taxpayer Services.

Program Areas

Analytica supports the following Program Areas under this BPA:
  • Authentication, Identity Theft and Fraud Protection
  • Compliance Program Analytics and Process Improvement
  • Examination Selection and Process Analytics Support
  • Taxpayer Behavioral Studies
  • Identify Emerging Analytic Techniques
  • Identify Emerging Compliance Issues
  • Unknown Issues


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